What is the Accredited Employer Work Visa?

Christchurch is an incredibly vibrant city and it’s sure to have your sights set on living here. There are a number of great places to work in Christchurch, but you may not know which one is the best for you. That’s where Accredited Employer Work Visa comes in. We’re experts at finding the best places to work in Christchurch, and we can help get you started on the right foot. What is the Accredited Employer Work Visa? Accredited employer work visa in Christchurch is a program that allows foreign nationals to work in New Zealand without having to meet certain requirements. Eligibility requirements for the program include being an accredited employer, having a New Zealand business license, and filing an application with the New Zealand Department of Immigration and Border Protection. What Eligibility Requirements Are There for the Accredited Employer Work Visa The Accredited Employer Work Visa requires that the foreign national have a New Zealand business license and file an applica...